‘Politica’ Exhibition by Ahmed Kassim at Safar Khan Art Gallery
Zamalek’s Safar Khan Gallery host the work of Ahmed Kassim; a young contemporary artist who has shown great talent and
creativity in creating a world
entirely his own.Within his use
of board games Kassim portrays
the staples of modern and
current Egyptian society; the
money signifying corruption, the
TV news constantly on informing
the people in their homes though
not necessarily with credible
and truthful information
(another irony that is explored
in his work), bread rolls and
loaves which are the basic means
of food for the Egyptian
population because of its cheap
and accessible nature as well as
the bastions of riot police,
which Kassim includes in his
work to show that the state and
government is always vigilant
and keeping an eye on its people
to cairorevamp_user out dissidents.
creativity in creating a world
entirely his own.Within his use
of board games Kassim portrays
the staples of modern and
current Egyptian society; the
money signifying corruption, the
TV news constantly on informing
the people in their homes though
not necessarily with credible
and truthful information
(another irony that is explored
in his work), bread rolls and
loaves which are the basic means
of food for the Egyptian
population because of its cheap
and accessible nature as well as
the bastions of riot police,
which Kassim includes in his
work to show that the state and
government is always vigilant
and keeping an eye on its people
to cairorevamp_user out dissidents.