The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

New Year’s Eve in Fayoum

New Year’s Eve in Fayoum

JellyZone’s New Year’s Eve party sees a 24-hour shindig in Fayoum’s Wadi El Rayan. On the bill, Saud, Obica and Bucalo are coming in from Serbia, as well as local heroes Onsy, Rama, Rabicat and A7ba-L-Jelly. Mineral Kult, DIEGO and Planetmoose will be taking care of the after-hours session. Until the 26th of December, tickets are 900LE including accommodation, or 650LE if you bring your own tent. The third wave tickets are 1,100LE including accommodation, or 800LE if you bring your own tent. For reservations, send JellyZone a message on its Facebook page here.

from 31-Dec
to 01-Jan