The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

D-CAF Festival: ‘We Are Not From Outer Space’ at Falaki Theatre

D-CAF Festival: ‘We Are Not From Outer Space’ at Falaki Theatre

As part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival, Falaki Theatre hosts dance performance ‘We Are Not From Outer Space’ by Rita Vilhena, Mohamed Shafik and Thomas Proksch. This is ultiamtely a piece about us being humans. After a few meetings and a lot more discussions, Shafik, Vilhena and
Proksch agreed that they are not interested to express what makes them
to be European and Egyptian. Politics and Economics are just tools we
use to manage who we are. They contaminated us with a lot of information
that we got used to calling ‘ours’, but which does not belong to us and
therefore does not represent us. What is common to us is the lost
feelings and, disbelieve in the power systems. Tickets are 30LE.

from 01-Apr
to 02-Apr

Falaki Theatre

113 Kasr El Ainy St. (on AUC campus) - Downtown