The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

D-CAF Festival: ‘Picasso in Palestine’ at Townhouse Gallery

D-CAF Festival: ‘Picasso in Palestine’ at Townhouse Gallery

As part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival Townhouse Gallery hosts Khaled Hourani and Amr Shalakany to discuss the project ‘Picasso in Palestine’. Picasso in Palestine was a project dedicated to bringing Pablo Picasso’s
Buste de Femme from the Van Abbemuseum’s collection for display in
Palestine. The negotiations to realise the art project Picasso in
Palestine have been a complex endeavour as a seemingly simple request
has reset the legal, artistic and official procedures for international
art movements. Hourani will discuss the project with Egypt-based Amr
Shalakany. Attendance is free.

from 10-Apr
to 10-Apr

Townhouse Gallery

Hussein El Me'mar Pasha Street - Downtown