The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

6th Panorama of European Film at Galaxy Cinema

6th Panorama of European Film at Galaxy Cinema

As part of this year’s this year’s 6th Panorama of European Film, 6th of October City’s Galaxy Cinema hosts screenings of the best contemporary European cinema. Tickets are 15LE for 10.30AM and 1PM showings and 25LE for 3PM screenings and onwards. For more information call  02-5740020 or 01283200030 or e-mail

10.30AM – ‘Hiding Your Smiling Faces’ (USA)
1PM – ‘Forget Me Not’ (Germany) – English Subtitles
3.30PM – ‘Everybody  Sometimes Falls’ (Switzerland) – Arabic Subtitles
6.30PM – ‘The Square’ (Egypt) – English Subtitles – Screening will be attended by a guest and followed by and event
9.30PM – ‘Young and Beautiful’ (France) – Arabic & English Subtitles
12AM – ‘The Square’ (Egypt) – English Translation

from 05-Dec
to 05-Dec