The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt


User reviews


Kansas Fried Chicken: A Challenger to the KFC Throne? خدمة زي الزفت والاكل بارد و طعمو وحش

mahmoud.el ansary

Al Jinani Its in down town near tahrir square :) and i am going on just to fill in the…

Ayman abdallah

ماجيك اسوا ادارة عالاطلاق بجد حرام عليهم يوقعو مكان عريق زي ده وفعلا غير مسئولين وغير قادرين علي ادارة…


Fat Cow thee sandwiches : Honky Tonk & Swiss and The Smoke house Two people sick and 1 went to…

Injy Ahmed

Starbucks Starbucks cafes a known place all over the world, I have found some plastic knifes instead of tea…


Bebars: The Kind of Barber You Can Count On Truly the best Barber shop I have been to in Cairo, efficient in both him timing and quality.…