Action & AdventureDrama...
Out now
Omar Yousry

More than just a streaming site, Netflix has grown into a studio powerhouse, with more and more original content appearing in recent months.
One recent show is Iron Fist; another collaboration with Marvel that introduces the title character as the last piece in the formation of The Defenders alongside DareDevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
While the show dives into several ideas like self-definition, personal identity, knowing who you are and believing in one’s self, its poor execution in exploring these things that is the biggest letdown.
The show starts with a barefoot Danny Rand making his way back into the streets of New York after a fifteen year absence, to find his father’s company is run by his childhood friends. With him having been assumed dead, he makes his way to try and prove who he is, all while unraveling a conspiracy of a secret group named The Hand, who has infiltrated the company and are planning to unleash a synthetic heroin into the streets of New York.
While it’s a nice premise as a whole, there are a lot of problems with this show starting with the almost B-movie title sequence that is cringe-worthy at best.
Some of the other gripes with the show are the uninteresting characters that aren’t as fleshed out as in previous Netflix shows, as well as some laughable fight choreography which is nothing compared to the fights seen previous shows, especially DareDevil.
All this and we haven’t even mentioned bad directing and editing making every fight scene hazy and confusing – as if they were trying to hide the bad choreography, but instead ended up highlighting it even more. However, the weakest link of the whole show is Finn Jones who delivers a whiney, weak and unconvincing performances Danny Rand / Iron Fist.
On the plus side, Jessica Henwick gives a great performance as Colleen Wing, a love interest and the only one in the show that apparently knows how to fight. Elsewhere on the acting front, Tom Pelphrey plays Ward Meachum; one of Danny’s childhood friends who run the company in his absence. While there are moments of over-acting, he does a great job portraying a man who’s almost losing his mind under all the pressure he’s going through, while Rosario Dawson reprises her role as Claire Temple, the former nurse who has featured in all four shows.
With the aforementioned The Defenders on the horizon, as well as The Punisher, Netflix will need to go back to the drawing board if this universe is to fulfill its promise.