The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Sights & Travel

This Egyptian Couple Left the City to Establish Their Own Farm in the Desert

art cairo cinema city life Dar Jana egypt Egyptians Farm Farming Gihan Handicrafts Khaled Nuweibaa Organic Sinai
This Egyptian Couple Left the City to Establish Their Own Farm in the Desert
written by
Sherif Khairy

Cairo is a beautiful capital, but sometimes the crowded streets, busy roads, noisy people, and overall hectic lifestyle can be too much. Whenever we enough time to take a nice vacation we seize that opportunity, but sometimes the vacation doesn’t leave us.

This happens especially in Sinai and Dahab; when people go there, most of them don’t want to leave. So much to the point that people think about living there, and a lot actually take that step. Today, we’re talking about two of the people who decided to take that step, married couple, Gihan & Khaled.

After their time in the big city, Gihan & Khaled decided they’ve had enough of the corporate life and went on to move to Nuweibaa; a beautiful city sharing stunning views of mountains and the sea, located in Sinai.

Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

They weren’t just bored of corporate and city life, they were also lacking a true link with nature, and they desired a healthier life. They had had enough of the pollution and wanted to live in a pure environment where they could grow their own food naturally and organically. As a side note, they’ve decided to follow their passion for arts & handicrafts, using natural elements such as wood, glass, metal, fabric, and leather.

As a result, Dar-Jan was born in August 2016. They’ve embarked on a long and challenging journey of turning yellow desert land to a green beauty of fruits and vegetables. On this land, Gihan & Khaled have worked relentlessly and were eventually able to grow their own food: herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Now they know all their food is clean, and free from any sort of pollution.

Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor, food and nature


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Since 2016, they’ve come a very long way, and now have an actual product line of their produce. Moreover, their art space is gaining pace, and they are constantly developing more and more ideas, turning their passion into actual artistic pieces and handcrafts.

But don’t look at this from a business standpoint. Don’t try and analyse how lucrative it is, how difficult it is, or how much of an accomplishment it means. This is about living your life the way you wish to live it. Gihan & Khaled may have had more professional success or a more lucrative career in the city, but they knew that if they moved to Sinai, they’d find their passion and health. They chose to live in Nuweibaa, start their own farm, and work on their own art space, and now, they’re living a full, purposeful, rewarding, and joyous life. Choose your path with confidence, Cairenes, and walk the one that brings you the most joy. 
