ValU: The Newest & Smartest Installment Plan Provider in Egypt
cairo city city life Clothes Egyptians Electronics Installment Plans products Shopping Sunglasses ValU
Cairo 360
Living in Cairo is not that cheap, and as days pass by, it seems to get even more and more expensive. Saving to get that new phone with all the sleek options, that jacket you’ve been window shopping for weeks, or those sunglasses that look so good on you, is not always so easy. You could end up saving for months only to find that those items have gone up in price, but what if you could have all those things right now?
Enter ValU, Egypt’s newest and smartest installment plan provider. You can pay for anything through installments with ValU; we’re talking about even the smallest of items, clothes, and smart watches.
ValU is all about giving you value right now, it’s about the factor of time. With deals available at more than 700 stores, ValU will likely offer you whatever product you’re yearning for. So what do you do? Simply install their App, get an approved shopping ValU through their app, and use it to pay for your product, then choose from the many installment plans they have on offer. You can pay those installments using services such as Fawry and Masary, or by credit card.
There’s a ton of stores to choose from on ValU. Check out their Facebook page or read more on their website.