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Five Online Outlets for Fresh Produce in Cairo

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Five Online Outlets for Fresh Produce in Cairo
written by
Dina Mokhtar

Featured image via Sara’s Organic Food – Facebook


What makes the city of Cairo standout is the fact that you can have nearly anything delivered to your doorstep. Name anything, and you’ll find an outlet, or two, that is ready to deliver. In this article, we’ve gathered a list of online outlets where you can do your fresh produce shopping:


While the brand’s name, Fakahany (Fruit Seller), implies that the website exclusively sells fruit, they offer an extensive grocery shopping experience that also covers poultry and eggs, as well as vegetables. In addition to a spectrum of fresh produce that you can either buy by unit or kilo – according to the item – Fakahany has a selection of pre-prepared veggies that are ready for cooking.

Fakahany has an application for Android and IOS users alike.

Shahin’s Farm:

A one-stop destination for your fresh produce shopping; Shahin’s Farm’s range of products includes herbs, seasonal fruits, and vegetables. Shahin’s Farm also has a variety of packages, with each package comprising of a selection of vegetable and fruits that vary in weight and price, according to your consumption, and are delivered weekly. The cost ranges between 600 and 1435 LE per month.

El Mazr3a:

Not only does El Mazr3a offers you a range of fruits and vegetables, but it is also the website to turn to for if you’re looking for dairy products, including a range of classic Italian cheeses from ricotta and mozzarella to scamorza and mascarpone. The website also has a variety of Syrian delicacies on offer, in addition to handmade chocolate bars, coffees, honey, and jams.

Osma Farms:

This brand doesn’t have a website; however, you can find Osma’s spectrum of fresh produce every Friday at Maadi’s Osana Family Wellness, and at Zamalek Market every Saturday. Zamalek and Maadi residents can also place their orders by calling 01119005265, and they will be received two days later.

Sara’s Organic Food:


Sara’s Organic Food offers a range of fresh produce, in addition to products from its sister brand, Lara’s Premium Produce. All you need to do is pick your items and choose whether you’d like to make a single, or a weekly order. To ensure you get the freshest picks, Sara’s Organic Food has a fixed delivery schedule, in which each day covers a specific delivery area, and orders must be placed two days in advance, before 5 PM.



