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Become A Fruit Shopping Expert: How To Choose The Perfect Fruits This Season

fruits Picking Fruits Seasonal
Become A Fruit Shopping Expert: How To Choose The Perfect Fruits This Season
written by
Nelly Ezz
Image Via Real Simple

Egypt is known for its rich agricultural heritage, and its bountiful produce includes a wide variety of flavourful and nutritious fruits. When shopping for fruit in Egypt, it’s important to know how to choose the perfect ripe ones to make sure that you enjoy the best flavours and textures. Here are six popular fruits in Egypt during the wonderful Sahel season and the best way to choose them whilst shopping.



Mangoes are a favourite fruit in Egypt, and choosing a perfectly ripe one requires a few simple steps. Gently squeeze the mango; it should have a slight give but not be too soft. The skin should be vibrant in colour, with no wrinkles or blemishes. Additionally, a fragrant aroma emanating from the stem end indicates a ripe mango. So, next time you are shopping for the perfect Naomi or Zebedya mango, give it a little squeeze beforehand.



Oranges in Egypt are renowned for their juicy sweetness. Even though citrus is generally a winter crop, some varieties are available during the summer months. Look for oranges with smooth, firm skin and no bruises or blemishes. Heavier oranges tend to be juicier. For the best flavour, opt for oranges with a bright orange hue as they are fully ripe.



Watermelons are a refreshing treat during the hot Egyptian summer. To select a ripe watermelon, tap it gently and listen for a deep hollow sound. A ripe watermelon should also have a uniform shape with a dull exterior and a creamy yellow spot on one side, which indicates it has ripened naturally.



Egyptian grapes are renowned for their exceptional sweetness. When choosing banati, crimson or any seedless variety of grapes, look for bunches with firm, plump berries that are firmly attached to the stem. The colour should be vibrant and uniform, without any shrivelled or brown grapes. Avoid bunches with a lot of broken stems.



Guavas are a beloved fruit in Egypt, known for their aromatic flavour. Pick guavas that have a firm texture and yield slightly when gently pressed. The skin should be smooth, and the fruit should exude a sweet and fragrant aroma. Avoid guavas that are overly soft or have blemishes. If you’re lucky enough to get some guava leaves, take them home and boil them for a nutritious fruity powerhouse tea. 



Egyptian Barshoumi figs are known for their squishy texture and sweet taste. Ripe figs feel plump and give slightly when squeezed; if you plan to eat them immediately, choose these – otherwise, purchase figs with a little less give. They should have a mildly sweet fragrance, but if they smell sour, there’s a good chance they have spoiled.
