#SlightlySmallerZooba: Zooba Launches New Sandwich Size with Hilarious Video

Cairo 360
As one of the main instigators in spreading the Egyptian street food trend over the last few years, Zooba stands as one of the most recognisable local brands in Egyptian food. The restaurant's simple yet creative take on traditional foods such as foul, falafels and liver has won it many a fan over the years.
However, there’s been one sticking point for many: Zooba's perceived overpricing of items that you can get at other restaurants at a fraction of the price – something that has been addressed in humorous fashion with a new video released this week on the restaurant's official Facebook page.
Speaking in the video, Zooba founder and CEO, Christopher Khalifa, has embraced the many comments the restaurant receives about its prices, turning them into quotes and using them in posters, stickers and more.
The video also marks the launch of a smaller and cheaper version of its sandwiches, marking a big change in a menu that has otherwise remained consistent since Zooba’s opening.
Find out more on the Zooba Facebook Page.