The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Lobster Rooster

Lobster Rooster: Food-Truck Set to Be Summer Favourite in El Gouna

reviewed by
Ramy Soliman
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Lobster Rooster: Food-Truck Set to Be Summer Favourite in El Gouna

With summer on the way, one of everyone’s favourite seaside destinations will almost definitely be El Gouna. Besides the relaxed atmosphere, casual sense of luxury and exquisite views, El Gouna is known for its addictively good food – the kind that will make you kiss goodbye your beach-bod and say hello to the dad-bod; but an eye-catching kiosk called Lobster Rooster could prove to be particularly popular.

Located at Marina Abu Tig, Lobster Rooster is essentially a stationary food-truck strategically placed and standing out with its vibrant colours. The use of white with red and black – in everything from the logo and the doodling on the kiosk, to the tables, chairs and even the ashtrays – gives the place a fun vibe, as does the varied seating arrangements.

As with most food truck-like concepts, Lobster Rooster keeps things simple, serving only two savoury rolls – lobster roll (100LE) and rooster roll (60LE) – and one dessert, the Brioche Con Gelato roll (30LE).

Supposedly drizzled with mango, the rooster roll was bursting with flavours and perfectly seasoned, but we didn’t feel the presence of the mango. The brioche bread rolls themselves were perfectly toasted on the outside, which added an exquisite crunch that made way for the super buttery and soft interior with every bite.

Though we were keener to try the lobster roll – considering it costs 100LE – it was rather disappointing. To its credit, the generous amount of lobster chunks mixed the Lobster Rooster’s secret sauce held together and didn’t become soggy as one might expect. However, there was no need for the extra butter lemon sauce on the side, considering that the sandwich already had a zesty kick thanks to the secret sauce. Most disappointing of all, though, was that the lobster was noticeably not fresh and the particular taste of old seafood was difficult to escape

All the rolls are served with homemade French fries, which were well-cooked and perfectly seasoned. Unfortunately, the Brioche Con Gelato was unavailable at the time of our visit, but all in all, the concept of Lobster Rooster is a perfect fit for El Gouna – it’s quick, on-the-go kind-of food that’s a little different. However, with the small sandwiches costing 60LE and 100LE, you can’t help but be a little disappointed when they’re not perfect.

360 Tip

Lobster Rooster can deliver the food to your boat, if you have one -  call 012233878900.

Best Bit

The Brioche rolls themselves are divine.

Worst Bit

Prices are very steep.

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