The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt


Jimmy’s Pizzeria: Wood Fired Brick Oven Pizza At Zayed Promenade

Jimmy's Pizzeria Neapolitan Pizza Sheikh Zayed Tomato sauce
Jimmy’s Pizzeria: Wood Fired Brick Oven Pizza At Zayed Promenade

Pizza holds a special place in the heart and stomach of every individual on planet Earth, which is something that hardly any food can compete with. Moreover, modern society likes anything quick and convenient. Due to fast-paced lifestyles and busy schedules, pizza can be a meal on its own or eaten as a snack. More conveniently, you can have pizza delivered when you’re too tired to cook lunch. But what is it exactly about pizza that makes everyone love it so much? Maybe it’s the different styles, or the world of toppings—we don’t know, but all we know is you’ll rarely find a person who dislikes this popular fast food item. 

Jimmy’s Pizzeria opened its doors for the residents of Sheikh Zayed back in late 2020 at Zayed Promenade, right off Dahshour Road. The venue is convenient for delivery, quick grabs, and dining in, but that can get really cold during winter. Since their primary speciality is Italian-style pizza, we decided on two different pizzas to try their 100 per cent imported toppings and ingredients. We first got the Salsiccia (150 LE) – mozzarella, scamorza cheese, roasted mushrooms, and Italian sausage. The pizza dough was relatively dense and heavy, not the airy and fluffy dough you’d expect from an Italian-style pizza. The tomato sauce, however, was heavenly; it was fresh and properly seasoned and complemented the earthy mushrooms. 

We decided to try the Napoletana (120 LE) for our second pizza order—tomato sauce, capres, anchovies, oregano, and cherry tomatoes. Unfortunately, the dough had the same problem; it was extremely dense and doughy, making the pizza quite heavy. Conversely, the fresh tomato sauce with oregano and tomatoes was herbaceous and flavorful—but, if we had to comment, the anchovies were definitely overly salty. Anchovies are famous for being pretty fishy and salty, making them overwhelming if you don’t know how to balance their flavour. However, this particular brand of anchovies was so overwhelmingly salty that we had to take it off the pizza to continue eating. 

Jimmy’s Pizzeria might be convenient and fast for Sheikh Zayed’s customers. Though, more work should be put into the actual handling of the dough and the toppings. We enjoyed our meal, but there is room for improvement for sure.

360 Tip

Jimmy’s also has a selection of American-style pizza for anyone who’s looking for a change

Best Bit

The freshness of the tomato sauce

Worst Bit

The density of the dough

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