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City Crepe

City Crepe: A Classic French Dish With a Very Egyptian Twist

cairo city city crepe city life egypt Egyptians food food review Restaurants review trending
  • Maadi Al Khabiri Ash Sharqeyah, Al Maadi, Cairo Governorate
  • Egyptian,Fast Food
  • 11:00 - 03:00
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Cairo 360
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City Crepe: A Classic French Dish With a Very Egyptian Twist

Egyptians always know how to leave behind a lasting legacy, and a unique touch. Indeed, if anything, Egyptians know how to transform anything and everything, by localising it and making it their own. One of those things is a signature of French cuisine: the famous crêpe, of course. While crêpe is originally cooked as a yummy and somewhat light dessert, Egyptians have managed to turn it into a savoury, heavy, and filling meal. A lot of Egyptian restaurants currently specialise in stuffing crêpe with ingredients like minced beef, vegetables, fried chicken, sausage, melted cheese, or all of the above.

One of the most well-known restaurants, when it comes to serving savoury crêpe, is City Crepe. Known for its vast menu, and its budget-friendly prices, we decided to give City Crepe a try. The menu did not disappoint; it is filled to the brim with tons of options.

We started by ordering the Spicy Chicken Kichwa Crepe (32 LE); a Chinese chicken platter mixed with vegetables, mozzarella, and roumy cheese seasoned with red pepper, and stuffed inside a crêpe. This crêpe tasted alright; we just felt that it needed an extra kick of flavour in order for it to live up to its mighty name. In other words, this crêpe could have benefited from the addition of spices. That being said, the crêpe’s dough was perfectly cooked.

Later, we placed an order for the Mixed Cheese Crepe (25 LE); this crêpe came smothered and stuffed with roomy cheese, along with mozzarella and slices of cheddar blended with vegetables. The taste was mouthwatering, and the crêpe’s dough was quite fluffy.

On a side note, we advise you not to order more than one crêpe; if you aren’t much of a foodie, please note that the portion sizes are enormous, with the crêpe being quite generously filled!

360 Tip

City Crepe currently has 66 branches operating across Egypt.

Best Bit

The Mixed Cheese Crepe.

Worst Bit

The Spicy Chicken Kichwa Crepe was a bit bland.

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