Cairo 360
Featured image via Cairogossip.com
Cairo has become a party town with tons of hot spots here and there. Whether it’s the west, the east, or central Cairo, party animals are now spoilt for choice as to where to spend their memorable nights out. Today we’re talking about one of the top party starters in Cairo, the DJ that’s been hitting hot beats and inspiring dance moves throughout all the hot spots in Cairo, he’s the one and only, Ramy Djunkie.
One of his most prime locations is Cairo Jazz Club 610 in Sheikh Zayed, and this is exactly where we went to have a chat with him. Ramy started his career back in 1997, he was one of the first big-name DJs in town, and still remains on the top of the list over 20 years later.
Djunkie tries to prepare himself for a gig by getting in the right mood, and figuring out what he’s in for that night. He doesn’t like much preparation, but rather prefers to go with the flow of the night. No crowd can remain too shy with Ramy on the decks, if you’ve witnessed him in action, you know this first-hand. Check out the full interview here.
If you’re looking forward to catching Ramy Djunkie in action, check out the full list of the events in the hottest spots in town, only on Cairo 360.