Health & Fitness
Win! Six-Week Yoga & Meditation Course at Shanti Yoga Cairo!
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Cairo 360
Shockingly, there’s still much stigma around the practice of yoga despite its proven effects. What it’s most useful for in a city like Cairo is anxiety and mood.
Think of yoga as the tourniquet that nurses the open wound that is ‘Cairo Stress’; a new phrase that we just made up, because there really isn’t anything that doesn’t stress, retard and maim mind, body and soul like daily life in Cairo does.
It’s for this reason that y’all should be excited about Cairo 360’s newest competition.
What? The good people at Shanti Yoga Cairo are offering two lucky readers the chance to win 6 weekly yoga and meditation sessions (every Saturday) free of charge.
Where? Located in Heliopolis, Shanti Yoga Cairo has always been a hub for yoga, meditation and all-round inner peace healing. Let’s face it; we’re all a bit damaged in Cairo.
Why? Because if you don’t find an outlet for all of this pent-up rage, anxiety and anger, you’ll do something regrettable in this city of regrets.
How do I get my hands on it? It’s easy, just answer this easy, intelligence-insulting question: In which part of Heliopolis is Shanti Yoga Cairo located? (Clues are here, dumbass)
Now what? Send your answers to, including your full name and contact details with ‘Shanti Yoga Cairo Competition’ in the subject line. The competition ends at midnight on Sunday 30th December 2012; so hurry up and send your answers in! Terms and Conditions apply.