WATCH: Engy Wegdan Talks Body Positivity & Self-Love in Her Newest Video
Body Positivity cairo city city life egypt Egyptians Engy Wegdan Insecurities movies Self Esteem Self-Love Tamer W Shawkeya tv series
Sherif Khairy
People may think of a mile-long list of reasons for envying celebrities for what they have, or wishing they had it just like a friend of theirs. Little do they know, money, fame, and power, stand idle in the face of lacking psychological well-being. Insecurities can destroy a person’s life, and shatter any hopes of enjoying whatever luxuries they may have. A major source of insecurity is body image.
Engy Wegdan took to social media, sharing her views on body positivity, and the effects of bullying one for their physical appearance. In the video, Engy talks about people’s freedom of choice, especially when it comes to their physical appearance. Engy also says that it’s ok for you to want to lose weight, it’s ok if you do that through exercise or surgery, and most importantly it’s ok for you to stay as you are. The most important thing is for you to be comfortable in your own skin, and to love yourself in every form, making changes only for yourself, and not for the sake of anyone else.
Shooting to fame with her role in Tamer W Shawkeya, Engy Wegdan played the lovable character, Dalia, Tamer’s sister. She actually started her professional life teaching English, later working as a film editor for Rotana TV Channel in 2004. After two years as a film editor, Wegdan started her acting career in 2006 with Tamer W Shawkeya and then working on a number of TV Series and movies.