Hyde Park Developments Partners Up With Farida Osman, and Help Her Launch Her Very Own Brand
brand cairo city city life egypt Egyptian Women Egyptians farida osman feature features female athletes fitness health health & fitness Hyde Park Hyde Park Developments logo sports supportCairo 360
Seeing a strong female idol can be a huge motivator for younger generations and women seeking to achieve their goals. Indeed, watching an Egyptian woman reaching for the stars and grabbing them, can be the push they need to succeed in their goals. With a firm belief in the importance of empowering women, and reinforcing sports field, Hyde Park Developments has partnered up with Farida Osman in quite a unique way.
Farida Osman has become an icon for young athletes in Egypt thanks to her swimming ability in the pool, and the many accolades she has accumulated for herself. After her brilliant performances in international competitions, Farida has been named the African Female Swimmer of the Year four times.
Hyde Park Developments this year collaborated with the world record holder- Farida Osman- in an exclusive partnership, seeking to help her develop as an athlete and win even more awards, as the real estate company is looking to create a sustainable brand for Farida.
The common values that both Farida and Hyde Park Developments share were the main trigger behind such partnership. Persistence, goal determination and seeking perfection are all qualities Osman and Hyde Park Developments work on achieving in every single target.
Farida Osman is not just an Olympic champion, she’s also a lovable and well-educated person. Her brand should represent this balance, being able to focus on her education, career, and social life at the same time. Farida, herself, was quite invested in the process leading up to the creation of that brand and its logo. She chose the ‘freestyle’ logo to represent everyone; this is the first and easiest stroke to win, and Farida wanted the logo to include everyone, both men and women, and remain a proper reflection of her character as well as the brand.
This partnership will help satisfy common goals for Hyde Park Developments and Farida Osman to empower young athletes and inspire them in their journey towards greatness. Through this partnership, Hyde Park Developments can show companies that corporate and sports can go together very well. In Egypt, a lot of athletes lack the support and resources required to help them reach international levels, despite having the talents to take them all the way. This is a huge step that Hyde Park Developments is taking to address this issue, as they wish for many more companies will be inspired to join the same cause.
But, that’s not it. Hyde Park Developments and Farida Osman are creating a swimming academy together, giving children and rising stars an opportunity to develop their swimming skills, and gain much-needed attention, care, and support.
Inspiration, motivation, support, and resources are all essential pillars for this partnership in which Farida Osman and Hyde Park Developments will work tirelessly to achieve.
Together, the world can see just how strong an athlete is capable of, with the proper support and boost of confidence. Whether through funding, provision of other resources, or attention of an established company as Hyde Park Developments, athletes can be inspired into more ways to excel.