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Guide For Parents: Limiting Your Children’s Screen Time this Summer

#DisconnectToConnect Kids Activities Kids Growth summer 2023
Guide For Parents: Limiting Your Children’s Screen Time this Summer
written by
Farah Fahim

As a parent, it can be challenging to balance your child’s desire to spend time on screens during the summer while ensuring they have a well-rounded and active lifestyle. Parents are under immense pressure these days as social media and being seemingly permanently online have become an epidemic for the new generation. It’s becoming increasingly hard to control screen time, especially during the summer when there isn’t schoolwork to keep kids busy. So, here are some tips that may help you limit screen time for your child during the summer. 


Encourage Outdoor Activities

Plan fun outdoor adventures to help children engage in physical and creative play or encourage alternative activities that do not involve screens, such as reading or doing art projects. You can even take them to a pool day with their friends or extended family so they’re out and about and beating the summer heat. 

Set Limits

Establish screen time rules and guidelines, balancing recreational screen use with other activities. Set clear boundaries and establish clear rules around screen time use, such as specific times of day when screens are allowed, how long they can use devices, and what types of activities are acceptable.

Quality Over Quantity

 Encourage educational and interactive screen time, such as age-appropriate learning apps or creative platforms. You can use screen time to your advantage by choosing apps that teach them new words, and even some apps offer world map challenges so they can practice their geography knowledge. 

Screen-Free Zones

Designate specific areas or times as screen-free, such as during family meals or before bedtime. You can even plan family activities that don’t include screens. Regular family activities like going for a walk, going to the park, or visiting a museum can help them disconnect from the virtual world and live in the moment. 

Be A Role Model

 Limit your own screen time and engage in activities that encourage quality family time and communication. Set an example for your child by modelling good screen time habits yourself. If your child sees you limiting your own screen time, they are more likely to follow suit.

Be Flexible

While it is necessary to set boundaries around screen time, it is also important to be flexible and adjust the rules as needed based on your child’s requirements and interests.

Remember, the key is to find a balance between screen time and other activities that will keep your child active and engaged during the summer months. By working with your child to establish clear rules and encourage alternative activities, you can help them develop healthy habits that will benefit them in the long run. At the end of the day, you only have to adopt what works for you and your family. 
