3, Damascus St.
Zainab Magdy

Right here in Cairo is an opportunity to tone your body back into shape and get ready for the summer season while enjoying an excellent cardio workout. Emeline Lavender’s zumba class is a weekly women’s zumba class at Gaby Shiba Dance Studio in Maadi, where you get an hour of exhilarating exercise and amazing fun.
According to the class’s flyer, zumba is ‘an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health.’
Zumba was spontaneously created in Colombiain the 1990s when an aerobics instructor forgot his usual music and instead had to improvise the class using a mix of his very own Latin and Columbian music tracks. Now the worldwide exercise trend has reached Cairo just in time for the summer.
Lavender is from the New York/New Jersey area and has moved to Cairo to work as a dance instructor. Besides being a professional dancer, she has a license to teach regular zumba classes and body sculpting techniques that use zumba to enhance rhythm and build strength.
The workout program doesn’t just burn calories; it also tones and shapes the body. Lavender devises a choreography routine that works out the heart muscle and improves breathing as well. ‘This is a cardio fitness class first,’ says Lavender.
What better way to burn some calories than dance? It’s an hour that can allow you to leave all your worries behind and just move!