Cairo 360
Sexual harassment has been an issue in Egypt. After developing into more vulgar and intrusive actions, it hit an all-time low with people actually justifying it, making excuses for the harasser, and fighting against the victim’s will to find justice.
While this is all seems a bit morbid, there’s actually been some progress in that area. A lot more people are seeing consequences for their actions, with women taking things into their own hands. After cases in which women insisted on reporting incidents of their sexual harassment, we’re seeing more progress.
The Anti-Harassment Unit in Cairo University organized an activity, inside the campus, to help women learn self-defense tactics.
This event was supported by Dr. Mohamed Othman, President of Cairo University, and it involved a silent play on violence against women, and society’s restrictions. They then went on to display different self-defense tactics, and helped the young women of Cairo University learn those moves through practical exercises.
Images via elyoum7.