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Sandbox Festival Turns 10: Highlights & Memorable Moments

anniversary El Gouna festival Gouna Music festival SandBox
Sandbox Festival Turns 10: Highlights & Memorable Moments
written by
Cairo 360
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SandBox’s 10th anniversary was truly unforgettable. This festival has become a significant event for electronic music fans, both locally and around the world. This year, we discovered huge local talent and international DJs, all while being part of a community unlike any other. Between the incredible music and the amazing crowd, every moment was special and full of energy. Here are some of the highlights that made Sandbox’s 10th anniversary truly memorable.


Madmotormiquel Closing Sandbox

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Madmotormiquel created a truly special moment during his closing set when he played Macklemore’s Hind’s Hall. As the music played, you could feel the unity and love spreading through the crowd, all of us standing together in solidarity for a free Palestine. It was a powerful reminder of how blessed we are and the strength of music to unite us in our shared hopes and dreams. This moment of connection and purpose will be remembered by everyone there.


Select Box

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This was a little box of music that could fit a maximum of 30 people, and the DJs playing were hidden gems. The room was always filled with overflowing energy and fantastic music. Galalmusic, an Egyptian local DJ, was the highlight of the room, delivering a set so electrifying it practically shook the Select Box.


Marco Maranza’s Set at Sandbox Stage

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This set was bursting with energy and good vibes, impossible to describe in any other way. The music was infectious, filling the air with an electrifying atmosphere that had everyone dancing and smiling from ear to ear.


The People

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The vibe at Sandbox has no match in Egypt, with a truly amazing crowd. It’s a place of acceptance where there’s no room for judgment, and everyone treats each other with respect. Here, people can be themselves, surrounded by a community that celebrates diversity and individuality.


Morning Beach Parties

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No need for any explanation; what more could you want than a beach, good people, and great music? Misty’s set on the beach stage was simply perfect. The sound of the crashing waves added to the rhythm, while everyone’s laughter and chatter made the atmosphere even better. It was a summer moment we didn’t want to end.



At GrooveBox, the name speaks for itself. No one stays still; it’s the spot for anyone craving energy and good vibes. The side balconies were the highlight of GrooveBox, making you feel like you’re on cloud nine, soaking the crowd’s infectious energy.
