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Launch of ‘Taboo Talk’ for the First Time in Egypt ‎

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Launch of ‘Taboo Talk’ for the First Time in Egypt ‎
written by
Kareem Sheta

Featured image courtesy of Taboo Talk/Facebook

The art of communication has many barriers, including safety. That is to say, a lot of  people are not very open to sharing or discussing information, especially about prohibited topics, more commonly known as taboos. In order to overcome this common issue, a safe space must be provided where people can speak freely without fear of consequences. So that is what the newly launched, Taboo Talk, aims to do!

According to the Australian Muslim Times, the story of this organisation began on Monday, January 30, 2017, at the Google headquarters in Pyrmont, Sydney. It was there that Taboo Talk was first introduced to the world under the leadership of its founder, Egyptian-Australian social worker, Amirah Amin, who has dealt with several severe cases in her life, including child soldiers and domestic violence. In her speech, she stated, “It was inspiring to see so many people embrace their vulnerabilities and have honest and ‘brave’ conversations! It was touching to see those sanctuary piles grow throughout the night, symbolising the trust and connection taking place.”

Amirah Amin / Facebook

Facebook states that she is “a social change pioneer with over ten years experience creating innovative programs for disenfranchised youth and communities in Australia, and abroad.” Amin now lives in Cairo and is launching the first session of Taboo Talk in Egypt this Saturday, on October 12th, in Maadi, which will be conducted mostly in Arabic. Not only will you be able to open up freely about difficult topics without being judged, but you will also be guided by trained facilitators to and help you bond and connect with others. 

The description on the event page reminds you that potential vulnerability, meeting same and different minded people, being stimulated, and similar expectations may take place. All great reasons to join, we say!    
