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Funny, Memorable, and Relatable: Etisalat Egypt’s Latest Campaign Has Been Making Regional Headlines!

Ad Ahmed Helmy award Awards cairo city city life egypt Egyptians Etisalat Egypt FP7 trending
Funny, Memorable, and Relatable: Etisalat Egypt’s Latest Campaign Has Been Making Regional Headlines!
written by
Cairo 360

With every day that goes by, tech. innovators manage to cover new grounds, especially when it comes to communication; we have become only a swipe away from reaching out to the entire globe and vice versa.

While this leap comes with a heap of advantages for anyone working in the advertising and marketing fields, the easy access to the viewer raises the bar higher; a campaign now needs to carry an efficiently creative concept that will stand out among the crowd of run-of-the-mill ads that we come across on a daily basis.

One of the campaigns that took media outlets by storm upon its launch was Etisalat Egypt’s ‘Hekaya Family’, starring the Egyptian comedian Ahmed Helmy. Be it the performances of the actors, the intricate setting, or the satirical script, every aspect of the main ad captured the essence of a typical Egyptian family and the dynamics between its members.

Creating a relatable and entertaining concept that grabs the attention of viewers, while smoothly delivering that Etisalat Egypt’s latest range of packages, Hekaya Family comes with four different bundles that allow customers to make free phone calls with their family members, when they subscribe to the same monthly package.

Earning over 12 million views on Facebook, 13 million on Youtube, as well as an endless trail of funny memes that use the ad’s main theme, the ad was so successful that it has played a remarkable role in increasing the company’s total sales, according to Ahmed Yahia, Etisalat Egypt’s Chief Commercial Officer.

Some may say that the increase in sales means that the creative brains behind the ad -FP7- were merely doing their job, but what many don’t know is that the ad made quite an impression at this year’s edition of  Dubai Lynx Festival; earning Etisalat Egypt the Silver Entertainment Award, and FP7 the Bronze Best Film Craft/Script Award.

The event happens to be one of the creative industry’s most prestigious gathering in the MENA region; this round of Dubai Lynx, which took place from the 11th to the 13th of March, covered various topics that matter to the industry, as well as marking Hekaya Family Campaign among the best this year.

