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Egyptian Women Are World Champions, and Not Just at Sports

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Egyptian Women Are World Champions, and Not Just at Sports
written by
Cairo 360

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Women worldwide, but especially in Egypt, face a lot of biased treatment in all fields of life. And while Egyptian women are commonly required to have the trades of a housewife, the appeal of a model, while still working to try and support her partner in providing, they still get a lot of stick for being moody, depressing, and simply put, “nekadeyin”.

Straying away from negative stereotypes, a hashtag on Twitter has set the goal of showcasing what Egyptian women are really all about. The hashtag translates to, “Egyptian Women Are World Champions in…”. It poses the thought of wondering what Egyptian women actually do on a daily basis, things that are seemingly impossible are everyday tasks to them, and this hashtag is a celebration of such an accomplishment.


We loved how this hashtag brought together different people from different demographics. It gives confidence and strength to women when they realise their strong points and are not afraid to publicly say it. And it shows that a lot of men are aware of the perks of having an Egyptian woman in their lives, and are also not afraid to say it. Just take a look for yourself, it will brighten your day.

But this is not just a public stunt to glorify women in an attempt to make up for the unfair treatment they have to deal with. Instead, we must look at this as an eye-opener, something to ponder and learn from. So let us replace negative stereotypes with an open-mind of what a women can strive for her in life, let us shed the silly offensive jokes and tell stories of successful women making it against all odds. Let us look at the world with a less cynical view, one that sees women as capable, competent human beings, who are not restricted to one area of life, but as adults with the freedom of choosing what they devote their lives to.
