The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

City Life

Egyptian Cancer Patients Can Now Ride Trains for Free of Charge

cairo Cancer cancer patients egypt Egyptians free train rides patients Restaurants Trains transportation travel
Egyptian Cancer Patients Can Now Ride Trains for Free of Charge
written by
Sherif Khairy

Cancer patients suffer enormous physical and emotional tolls. Unfortunately, for Egyptians living in cities away from Cairo, the suffering is heightened. Having to travel by train from far away cities to reach specialised cancer hospitals in Cairo is physically tough and financially stressful. Due to the centralisation of these hospitals, their periodic travels are unavoidable.

In quite a considerate move, Egypt will be providing cancer patients around the country a smart card to give them these train rides free of charge. Egyptian cancer patients can use these smart cards to book their trains without having to pay any fees. These smart cards will be valid for a year, and will also allow patients to take a companion with them, whose ticket will also be free of charge.

Many cancer patients can barely afford the cost of their treatment, and so these regular train tickets present much more of a financial headache than one could imagine. The smart cards will even allow cancer patients to book better trains than they used to, such as trains with air-conditioning, which could be of great value to them in the summer.

The process of obtaining the smart card is quite simple. All that a patient would need is a medical report, a copy of their national ID, a copy of their parent’s national ID, and two personal pictures (4*6).

