All You Need to Know About the New Custom Rules of Imported Mobile Phones
Custom Rules Imported Phones
Cairo 360
The Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), has activated the collection of customs fees on imported mobile phones since January 1st, 2025. This decision was made to combat the evasion of customs fees and protect the local industry, which has been suffering due to the spread of smuggling in the mobile phone market. So, here’s everything you need to know regarding the mobile customs:
1- Are there any new custom fees on imported mobile phones?
No, there aren’t any additional or new fees on imported mobile phones. The standard fee is still 38.5% of the phone’s value. Customs fee regulations have been reactivated because the spread of smuggling has cost the government around 80% of the due fees, so it was time to raise the matter and put more stringent restrictions to limit illegal smuggling and ensure the regulatory collection of mobile phone customs fees.
2- Are all imported mobile phones subject to the customs fees?
No, there’s a limit of two imported mobile phones per person that can be brought into the country without being subjected to customs fees. One would be for personal use, and one additional phone. Any amount exceeding two would require the payment of customs fees, whether it’s for gifting or selling purposes.
3- Can this governmental decision be retroactive?
No, the decision was activated on January 1st, so custom fees are applied to any imported mobile phones that have entered Egypt since the beginning of 2025. Any other imported mobile phones bought and activated before that date are exempt from this decision.
4- How do you calculate and pay customs duties?
Quite easily, actually! The government has launched the Telephony app specifically for this purpose. You can register your mobile information through the app, which will automatically inform you of the fee amount. You can also pay it online. There’s a 3-month window to settle the fees. You can download the Telephony app for Android here and for IOS here.
5- Does this decision include electronic devices rather than mobile phones?
No, the decision only applies to mobile phones. Other electronic devices such as smartwatches, laptops, or headphones are not subjected to the custom fees.
6- Can the personal mobile phone exemption cause fraud?
No, the government has decided to monitor the exempted mobile phones for a period of 3 months to prevent any tampering. This system was also applied previously to disabled vehicles.
7- What are the government’s goals regarding this decision?
The government has activated this decision to monitor the mobile phone market and prohibit illegal activities. This will subsequently support the economy by increasing custom revenues and ensuring fair competition between investors and consumers within the mobile phone market.
This decision is an active step in organising and monitoring the mobile phone market in Egypt to encourage the local industry. Most importantly, If you have an imported phone that came into the country after January 1st, don’t forget to use the Telephony app to register and pay the required fees right away.