All Black Everything: Oppo Celebrates Release of F3 Black Edition with Black Shadow Party

Cairo 360
Egypt’s top celebrities, most popular influencers and coolest cats all came out to play recently for a very special event on the North Coast. While ‘White Parties’ are all the rage in Sahel these days, Oppo turned things on their head, somewhat, to celebrate the release of a sexy new limited edition black F3 at one of this summer’s most popular Sahel spots, Martin’s Beach.
The Bo Islands hotspot dropped its usual white theme for one day only, as Oppo turned everything black – like, literally everything. The curtains, the balloons, the beach balls, the photo frames – it really was all black everything. And just to add the little touch of sophistication that the revolutionary Oppo F3 demands, attendees were even showered with various vintage props to get them in the mood.
Speaking of sophistication, the folks at Oppo went all out, with VIP guests getting access to the oh-so fancy Oppo Lounge with personal butlers to boot. Other features of this carnival of black included a huge graffiti wall that several artists worked on live, while also providing personal portraits for attendees to take home, as well as some fantastic semi-permanent tattoos. And, seeing as the Oppo F3 is the new master of the selfie, Oppo dotted the venue with plenty of selfie-friendly mirrors and human-sized photo frames for the ultimate groupfie.
For more information, check out Oppo on Facebook.