The Kahk Guide in Cairo 2020: Where, What, and How Much
bisco masr Coppermelt dukes el abd House of Cocoa La poire mandarien koueidar nola Oven heaven bakery sedra TBS the batter half and co Thomas Patisserie voila
Dina Mokhtar
Featured image via House of Cocoa
In a matter of days, Ramadan will be over, and we’ll be celebrating Eid. Here’s this year’s roundup of places in Cairo, where you can get your hands on the ever-so-delicious kahk.
Oven Heaven Bakery:
The brand has been selling kahk since the second week of Ramadan. Oven Heaven Bakery offer two kinds of kahk, which come in a kilo tin box; plain (180LE) and walnut (260LE).
Nola offers the Eid Box Mix, which comes in three weights; a kilo (165LE), 2 kilos (310LE), 3 kilos (465LE). Each box gathers an assortment of plain kahk, kahk with malban, kahk with dates, vanilla, and pistachio petit fours.
The Batter Half & Co.:
The pastry shop’s items are sold per kilo; plain kahk (140LE), agameya kahk (170LE), kahk with nuts (260LE), mini kahk (275LE), kahk with pistachio (340LE). Also, a kilo of assorted petit fours and biscuits is 150LE.
Duke’s extensive menu includes assorted kahk boxes that weigh a kilo (180LE), 2 kilos (330LE), 3 kilos (500LE). The venue also offers a range of varieties; plain kahk (140LE), malban kahk (140LE), agameya (160LE), agameya and walnuts (190LE), walnut (210LE), and dates (140LE). Meanwhile, a box of petit fours (150LE), biscuits (100LE), and ghorayeba (140LE).
Bisco Masr:
As always, Bisco Masr offers the best prices; a kilo of plain kahk is 105LE, while a kilo of agameya, malban, or dates kahk is 110LE. Walnut kahk is 155LE, and ghorayeba cost 120LE. A kilo of vanilla or orange biscuits are 85LE, while the prices for petit fours range between 110 and 235LE, depending on variety.
Sedra’s range of kahk flavours includes plain, malban, date (135LE a kilo each), and agameya (150LE), while walnut is 195LE, and pistachio is 205LE a kilo. Ghorayeba ranges between 140 and 205LE, while vanilla or orange biscuits are 130LE. Petit fours are 130LE and 155LE, according to flavour.
Mandarine Koueidar:
Plain, malban, and dates kahk are 120LE, while petit fours range between 130 and 160LE. Mandarine Koueidar also has a range of ma’mouls, like pistachio (240LE), and walnut (185LE).
Thomas Patisserie:
Thomas Patisserie’s menu includes plain, malban, and date kahk at 140LE, as well as agameya (160LE), pistachio (260LE), and walnut (240LE). When it comes to ghorayeba, the shop offers plain (190LE), and pistachio (260LE). As for the biscuits, the flavours are vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, orange, and coconut, with prices ranging between 140LE and 160LE.
Coppermelt’s offerings are plain and malban kahk (150LE), agameya (160LE), walnut (200LE). The shop has assorted boxes that come in three weights; one (205LE), two (320LE), and three kilos (495LE). Biscuits are 130LE, while petit fours are 200LE a kilo.
House of Cocoa:
The Maadi chocolaterie offers this Eid a box of assorted kahk (malban, nuts, and plain) at 155LE, a plain kahk box (135LE), and a sables box (175LE). House of Cocoa also offers a special selection, where both kahk and petit fours are chocolate & Lotus flavoured (165LE).
La Poire:
La Poire offers a spectrum of kahk flavours including plain (160LE), date (150LE), agameya (180LE), walnut and malban (190LE), walnut (250LE), and pistachio (300LE). As for the ghorayeba, it’s 210LE, while petit fours are 220LE. There’s also mini kahk that comes in two flavours; plain, and walnut with cinnamon, at the prices of 170LE, and 220LE respectively.
La Poire also offers a range of vanilla and chocolate tea biscuits sold separately in medium size boxes at 65LE each, and a large box of the two flavours, as well as cinnamon, that sells at 125LE.
El Abd:
This year’s kahk menu includes plain, malban, and agameya (110LE –each), walnut (160LE), pistachio (170LE), and chocolate (120LE). EL Abd’s range of biscuits comes in 3 flavours, vanilla, chocolate, coconut, orange (95LE), and vanilla biscuits covered in chocolate (105LE). As for the petit fours, their prices range between 120 and 150LE.
The Bakery Shop offers plain kahk (155LE), and walnut (185LE), in addition to a couple of boxes that include an assortment of kakh flavours, petit fours, and biscuit; The Premium Box (315LE), and the Mega Box (425LE).
Voila’s spectrum of kahk flavours, includes plain, agwa, and malban (150LE –each), agameya (155LE), agameya walnut (190LE), walnut (220LE), and pistachio (300LE). Voila also offers chocolate flavoured Kahk, which comes at the price of 260LE.