Bookish Cafés in Cairo
Baraka Book Café Diwan Bookstore Falak Bookstore and Coffeeshop Sufi Café & Bookshop
Nada Medhat
The only companion better than wine to books is coffee. This is hardly a revelation; cafes and bookstores have always had this association. In light of this, we wanted to bring you the best bookish cafes in Cairo.
Diwan Bookstore
Essentially a bookstore with many chains all over Cairo, Diwan also cares a great deal about the general atmosphere it sets up. It aims to complete the cosy, serene ambience it creates with a little café inside where shoppers can browse through books or read in a quiet and lovely atmosphere with the company of a good cup of coffee. It has branches in Zamalek, Maadi, and Heliopolis, among other areas.
Check Diwan’s Facebook page here.
Sufi Café & Bookshop
True to its name, this decade-old café-bookshop in Zamalek sets up an atmosphere of cosy mysticism and a unique experience. The cafe is chill and comfortable; you can stop for a cup of coffee while deciding what book to buy. The fact that it’s set up in an apartment with various rooms divided into English and Arabic spaces, with the balcony as the smoking area only enhances the mood.
Check Sufi’s Facebook page here.
Baraka Book Café
A completely different atmosphere from the previous entries on the list. This Downtown book cafe is more social than serene. With its used book collection, it’s not exactly cosy as much as it is homey. Not all readers prefer the aesthetics of calm and peaceful; some like the “chaos” better. Old dusty books with shisha, a cup of coffee, or even a glass of spicy Hummus Sham is ideal for some!
Check Baraka’s Facebook page here.
Falak Bookstore and Coffeeshop
One of the most inclusive on the list, Falak is a bookstore, art gallery, an exhibition of a large variety of original handmade crafts, and, of course, a coffee shop. Located in Garden City, it generally works as an open space for workshops, meetings, film screenings, and music concerts. The atmosphere it creates is calming and full of creativity. You can get a book from the always-updated newly published collection while enjoying a cup of coffee and even a snack or a full breakfast if you desire.
Check Falak’s Facebook page here.