Luxor to Get Its Very Own “Comprehensive Art Centre”
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Cairo 360
Art is a universal language, and while each country is home to a unique artistic culture, we still manage to find some resemblances and common factors among the world’s array of artistic cultures. Accordingly, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture has decided to strike a partnership deal with the UAE, and establish a Fine Arts Centre in Luxor. Hence, this center will house artworks from both the UAE and Egypt.
Dr. Inas Abdel Dayem, Minister of Culture, stated that “a technical committee will be appointed to oversee this project, and to ensure its smooth running.” Dr. Khaled Sorour, President of the Fine Arts Sector, and Dr. Saleh Mohamed Abdel Moaty, Vice President of South Valley University for Luxor Branch Affairs, will head this committee. The committee will also include members like Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Ehab El-Labban, Dalia Mostafa, in addition to other members, who will be selected by Dr. Inas herself from Luxor Governorate.
Dr. Khaled Sorour, President of the Fine Arts Sector, also stated that the idea behind this center is motivated by the “need to establish a comprehensive center, which houses a variant array of workshops and artistic activities, in addition to displaying artworks.”
We can’t wait to see how this pans out.