The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Arts & Culture

KEMET Art & Design: Building the Local Industry Towards the Global Community

KEMET Art & Design: Building the Local Industry Towards the Global Community
written by
Cairo 360

Egypt has a long and storied history with the arts – fact. It’s been engrained in our culture since the time of our Pharaonic forefathers, but one could argue that art as a discipline has never been more inaccessible to the masses. It’s an issue that is rooted in education – or lack thereof. This is where an institution like KEMET Art & Design comes in.

It’s not the first or only institution that has taken on the complexities of art education, but it is one of the most unique in offering a range of programs that connect its students to the global art community and the realities of contemporary industry.

Named after an Ancient Egyptian a symbol of fertility and creation, KEMET’s mission is a seemingly simple one: to equip its students with the tools and skills to apply their artistic and creative talents in a constructive way; to unlock the potential of what once might have been a hobby and interest into a career.


KEMET offers a range of workshops, short courses and certificate programs that cover a pantheon of different creative disciplines – everything from Design to Media and Communication, up to Visualand Digital Arts as well as Art Business.

Just in 2017, there have been no less than twelve different workshops and short courses announced to take place in the first three months of the year, covering everything from sketching technique to information design and data visualization.

But what really makes the difference in KEMET’s courses its frequent international collaborations, the latest of which sees the institution team up with the Italian design school, Instituto Europo di Design (IED).

Established in 1966 in Milan, IED stands as one of the most prestigious designs schools in Europe. Its alliance with KEMET provides a great opportunity for locals. On Wednesday 8 March, the two schools are set to host an event at Downtown Cairo’s Greek Campus.


From Italy Through Egypt: A Non-Stop Flow Of Innovation And Creativity will see the likes of IED graduate Ghada Wali (pictured above) and Ivan Mielzarek give talks to a crowd that will be littered with industry influencers and other creatives in what promises to be a grand occasion that will also open IED scholarship opportunities to students. It’s this kind of partnership that can change a passion into a career.

This is just one example of the many connections that the Greek Campus located KEMET has built over the years; connections that are raising Egypt’s position in a wider global network; a wider global network that can be the path of success for its students; success and achievement that few, if any, other institutions can furbish for what is a growing local collective artistic consciousness. If there’s been one ray of light in the last period of turbulence in Egypt, it’s that a new sense of expression has been realised or come to light – one that continues to evolve and encourage.

About KEMET Programs

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Twitter: @KemetArtDesign
Instagram: @KemetArtDesign
