Cairo 360
We’ve talked about El-Muizz Street a lot in recent weeks, but if you took our advice and went there, you’ll surely understand why we have so much to say about it. This Ramadan, the General Authority for Cultural Palaces is organising special activities in celebration of Ramadan at El-Muizz Street.
The festivities will go under the name, Ramadan Cultural and Artistic Nights. These will run from the 6th of Ramadan (22/5), all the way to the 20th of Ramadan (5/6), and Cairo 360 has got you all the information you need.
There will be daily concerts starting right after Iftar. The first one will be at 8:30pm and is dedicated to kids, the second at 9:30pm, and the third at 10:30pm. And the best thing is, all of them are free.
Cairo’s North Wall Theatre will host all these activities, and it’s very easy to reach once you’re at El-Muizz Street. There will be many galleries, workshops, and different musical bands from a number of governorates.
Sixth of Ramadan: Ismailia Folk Ensemble for kids, followed by Al-Sharfa for Folkloric Arts & Tanoora.
Seventh of Ramadan: Banha Tanoora Ensemble for kids, followed by Agial Puppetry Show
Eighth of Ramadan: Portsaid Folklore Ensemble for kids, followed by Al-Ghoury Arabic Music Band, and then Suhag Folklore Ensemble.
Ninth of Ramadan: Bahtim Choral for kids, followed by the Egyptian Aragooz, and finally Al-Anfoushy Folklore Ensemble.
Tenth of Ramadan: Shubra El-Kheima Band, followed by Al-Sharfa for Rural Songs, and then Qena Folklore Ensemble.
Eleventh of Ramadan: Al-Anfoushy Folklore Ensemble for kids, Shubra El-Kheima Folklore Ensemble, Malawy Folklore Ensemble.
Twelfth of Ramadan: Al-Salam Choral for kids, Al-Sharfa Folklore Ensemble, Ismailia Folk Ensemble.
Thirteenth of Ramadan: Banha Tanoora Ensemble for kids, followed by Shubra Kids Choral, and El-Tazawoq El-Fanny Folklore Ensemble.
Fourteenth of Ramadan: Abu Zaabal Kids Choral, followed by Agial Puppetry, and then Al-Wadi Al-Gadid Folklore Ensemble.
Fifteenth of Ramadan: Shubra El-Kheima Folklore Ensemble, followed by the Egyptian Aragooz, and finally Luxor Folklore Ensemble.
Sixteenth of Ramadan: Shubra El-Kheima for Arabic Music, followed by Shubra El-Kheima Choral for Special Needs, and finally Mostafa Kamel Arabic Music.
Seventeenth of Ramadan: Al-Salam Choral for kids, Shubra El-Kheima Choral for Special Needs, Mostafa Kamel for Arabic Music.
Eighteenth of Ramadan: Shubra El-Kheima Band for kids, followed by Shubra El-Kheima Folklore Ensemble, and finally Matruh Folklore Ensemble.
Nineteenth of Ramadan: Agial Puppetry for kids, followed by Al-Sharfa Folklore Ensemble, and finally Al-Horriya Folklore Ensemble.
Twentieth of Ramadan: Garden City Puppetry for kids, followed by the Egyptian Aragooz, and the Nile Folklore Ensemble.
El-Muizz Street is always a great place to visit!