The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Arts & Culture

Egypt Is Bringing Back the Lost Art of Jewelry Making With This Initiative

Egypt Is Bringing Back the Lost Art of Jewelry Making With This Initiative
written by
Cairo 360

From Ancient Egyptian being master jewelers, to Queen Nazli Sabri’s necklaces, and finally to modern day Egyptian women of all classes wearing jewelry with almost any outfit, these accessories (may they be made with expensive metals, or crafted from cheaper materials) are part of Egypt’s past, and an important aspect of every Egyptian woman’s narrative. 

This is exactly why we were glad to see Egypt returning to form, with a local initiative – led by Egypt’s National Museums Sector- which sought to bring back the art of jewelry making, via a number of workshops. The workshops were held at Alexandria’s Royal Jewelry Museum: a museum housing the largest collection of the Royal Family’s jewelry.

According to Elyoum7, the head of Egypt’s National Museums Sector, Ms. Ilham Salah Eldin, has stated that “aside from bringing back this lost art, the initiative seeks to target the high unemployment rate among Egyptian women, by means of teaching them a useful craft.” 

The female participants were not only schooled in the lost art of jewelry making, they were also schooled in the historical value of this art; the history behind the pieces housed by Alexandria’s Royal Jewelry Museum; and finally, the science behind precious stones. 

As seen, the women have managed to produce some wonderful pieces. 



