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Celebrating Humanity: Celebrities and Their Noble Causes

#ActForHumanity Egyptian celebrities UN Goodwill Ambassadors World Humanitarian Day
Celebrating Humanity: Celebrities and Their Noble Causes
written by
Daniel William

As we celebrate World Humanitarian Day, these stories remind us of the power that lies in using fame and fortune for the greater good. The celebrities highlighted here have not only entertained us but have also contributed significantly to humanitarian causes, making the world a better place. Their efforts serve as an inspiration for all of us to #ActForHumanity in our own ways, ensuring that compassion and charity continue to thrive in our communities.



via World Humanitarian Day 

World Humanitarian Day is a momentous occasion for reflecting on the incredible sacrifices made by humanitarian workers across the globe. It is also a call to action for each of us to consider how we can contribute to alleviating the suffering of others. This year’s campaign, #ActForHumanity, is especially noticeable as we celebrate the charitable efforts of celebrities and their families, who have dedicated their time, resources, and influence to support the most vulnerable.


Ramy Ayach

via Ayach Al Toufoula

Ramy Ayach has made education his weapon of choice in the fight against ignorance and poverty. Through his foundation, Ayach for Childhood, he has pledged to educate over two thousand children annually across Lebanon. Ramy’s belief that education is life is not just a slogan; it is a mission that he fulfils by providing scholarships to underprivileged children. His latest effort saw him provide five scholarships to students at the University of Lebanon, ensuring that knowledge becomes the shield for future generations.


Adel Imam

The legendary Adel Imam has entertained millions with his films and dedicated much of his life to humanitarian efforts as a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Since 2000, Imam has worked tirelessly to support refugees, visiting Sudanese refugee camps in Cairo and Syrian refugee sites. He has also made substantial donations, including a remarkable contribution of 52 million EGPs to the Tahya Misr Fund, showcasing his commitment to giving back to his country. Imam’s humanitarian journey took him to Syria, where he inspected the living conditions of Iraqi refugees, embodying the spirit of compassion and service that transcends borders.


Mahmoud Yassin

via WFP

The late Mahmoud Yassin’s commitment to fighting hunger led him to participate in awareness campaigns under the World Food Programme. Yassin’s philanthropy included donating his fees from informational advertisements on Egyptian television and staging the play Bedaya w Nehaya free of charge for 40 days, with proceeds going to charity.




Youssra has a long history of involvement in charitable work, from being a UN Goodwill Ambassador to being a vocal advocate for women’s rights, chronic diseases, and children’s welfare. She has participated in numerous initiatives and intellectual forums, using her influence to address critical health issues.


Hussein Fahmy

Hussein Fahmy was named a Goodwill Ambassador by the World Peace Organisation. He has used his platform to call for the production of films that highlight the plight of Palestinians under Israeli occupation and has advocated for the removal of landmines in the Egyptian desert.


Hend Sabry

Hend Sabry has made significant contributions as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Her humanitarian work has taken her to refugee camps in Jordan, where she has provided aid to Syrian refugees. Sabry also spearheaded campaigns like Billion for Billion, which aimed to harness the power of one billion internet users to help one billion people suffering from hunger.


Tamer Hosny

via UN

Tamer Hosny, often called the Ambassador of Charity, has a remarkable portfolio of charitable work. His involvement in the world’s largest blood donation campaign, which entered the Guinness World Records, is just one of many initiatives he has championed. Hosny has donated proceeds from his concerts to hospitals and charitable organisations, and his support for Abu El-Rish Hospital and various health centres has significantly impacted healthcare in Egypt.


Mostafa Shaaban

Mostafa Shaaban has made headlines with his initiative, Ayub Misr El Kheir Lel Gharemeen, which aims to support those imprisoned due to unpaid debts. By partnering with the Misr El Kheir Foundation, Shaaban has provided a lifeline for those trapped in the cycle of debt. He has also donated funds to support needy students and provided housing for vulnerable women.


Mohamed Sobhy

Mohamed Sobhy has taken his commitment to charity to a new level with the launch of the Ma3an Foundation. This ambitious project aims to build a fully-serviced city to relocate slum dwellers, with an estimated budget of 100 billion EGPs. Sobhy’s vision for a better future for Egypt’s underprivileged is proof of his dedication to social justice and community development.
