Celebrating an Icon’s Birthday: Revisiting Our Favourite Adel Emam Characters
Actors Adel Emam Art and culture cinema Egyptian Actors Egyptian Artists
Malak Gharib
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With his birthday just around the corner, we decided to seize the opportunity to celebrate Adel Emam’s illustrious career. Turning 84 today, May 17th, this iconic actor has played a variety of soul-touching characters that deeply resonated with the masses. So, here are some of the unforgettable characters that we’ve deeply loved, many of them for decades!
Mr Kadry
Still from El Tagroba Al Denmarkya
El Tagroba Al Denmarkya was a controversial comedy about a traditional and conservative father who had to welcome a liberal foreigner into his home for her temporary stay in Egypt. As the plot unfolds, Mr Kadry’s beliefs and morals are tested, and he finds himself at a crossroads, having to choose between his love interest and his beloved sons. With a traditional fatherly character and humorous twists, Adel Emam brought Mr Kadry to life. We laughed with him along the way and felt as confused and challenged as he did throughout this rollercoaster ride of an iconic film.
Al Za’eem
Still from Al Zaeem
Eventually becoming Adel Emam’s nickname, the play Al Za’eem has captivated the hearts of millions of people and remains just as admired today as it was upon its release. As a memorable scene of the play unfolds amid a captivating musical performance, Adel Emam performs a masterful scene where the character realises the power he holds, standing bravely saying, “Ana el za’eem!” (I am the leader!). Little did Emam know at the time that this scene would be a turning point in his career. His loyal fans, from that point on, would call him just that – El Za’eem!
Sherif Khairy
Still from Al Sefara Fel Emara
Al Sefara Fel ‘Emara has been back on our screens, given the recent circumstances, shedding light on the Palestinian plight from an authentically Egyptian perspective. Sherif Khairy was a morally ambiguous character – with the public crowning him a hero despite getting involved with terrorist groups behind the scenes, and having fallouts with businessmen, Sherif Khairy was a quite the controversial fellow. With the catchphrase “msh enaharda eid milady?” (isn’t today my birthday?), Sherif Khairy is widely loved by many.
Bahgat Al Abaseery
Image via Wikipedia
The Madraset El Moshaghbeen main character, Bahgat Al Abaseery, is the traditional back bencher character brought to life through Emam. Taking the spotlight at the play, Bahgat Al Abaseery is still alive in every Egyptian class room, with his jokes and lines remaining relevant for many generations.
Morgan Ahmed Morgan
Still from Morgan Ahmed Morgan
The plot of this iconic film unfolds as a successful businessman goes back to university to earn a college degree. Morgan Ahmed Morgan was brought to the big screen in 2007, becoming one of the most adored Adel Emam films (and not to mention introducing us to Ahmed Mekky!).
Hanafy Al Obaha
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Known for his monochromatic jean fits, Hanafy Al Obaha steals jewellery from a shop with his gang and is subsequently sentenced to jail. After being released from jail, he helps the police track down the other members of his gang in a comedic and soul-touching plot.