Tutankhamun Is Heading to Paris!
cairo city city life egypt Egyptian artefacts Egyptians Europe France International Exhibition Paris Pharaohs Tourism Tutankhamun Tutankhamun treasure
Cairo 360
Featured image via Times.com
Tutankhamun, the great Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, son of Akhenaten, and ruler in the New Kingdom is travelling to Europe. This March, Paris will be hosting a special exhibition starring our very own Pharaoh King. What’s more, some international newspapers are promoting it as one of the best international exhibitions in 2019.
The French capital will host the exhibition at Grand Halle de la Villette in Paris starting in March, and running until September 2019. This is not the first time that Paris has hosted a Pharaonic exhibition; it previously hosted the treasures of Tutankhamun in 1967, visited by one million tourists.
Also, Paris is not the first destination for Tutankhamun, the exhibition of the Pharaoh King has recently finished in Los Angeles, USA, and will now travel to Paris for the display that begins on 18 March. The exhibition includes 149 pieces of the treasures of Tutankhamun, including a number of wooden boxes, canopic and alabaster jars, a golden wood Ka Statue, and Ushabti statues.