The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

‘Transmitted Spirits’ at Darb 17 18

‘Transmitted Spirits’ at Darb 17 18

1718 presents the ‘Transmitted Spirits’, a performative electronic voice
phenomena experiment curated by Nico Dockx, the performance starts at
7:00pm Sunday 11th of September 2011.

This work started from a conversation in between Nico Dockx and Carl
Michael von Hausswolff around the beginning of 2010 and is based on the
archives of the late Swedish painter/sound scientist Friedrich
Jurgensson.The idea is to open up the listening
experience and perception sequecences of sound in close collaboration
with a small audience. It is not a matter of whether communication with
the other side/ with these EVP voices is true or not.

from 11-Sep
to 11-Sep