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Microsoft’s Majorana 1: A Promising Future of Endless Possibilities

Majorana 1 Microsoft Technology
Microsoft’s Majorana 1: A Promising Future of Endless Possibilities
written by
Assmaa Rady

Microsoft’s newest release has taken the world by storm. The Majorana 1 quantum chips mark the world’s first quantum processor powered by topological qubits, an entirely new state of matter. This recent announcement has sparked many debates and controversy, especially within the sectors of technology and physics, as it offers endless future possibilities that promise final solutions to every global issue.

With a few extra and highly doable steps, the Majorana 1 chip is error-free, providing the perfect solution to every possible design flaw or calculation error. For now, it may seem like a “Who Cares?” situation, but we all should learn about it for various reasons. So, let’s delve into the whats and whys of this subject.


Topological Conductors: A New State of Matter

What enhances the twist is the nature of the Majorana 1. The Majorana 1 chip is powered by topological qubits, which are constructed from topological conductors that originate from an entirely new state of matter. These topological conductors are not based on solid, liquid, or gas but rather on a unique form of topological matter. Defining a topological conductor in simple, tangible terms is challenging. As a concept recently introduced to the public, it cannot yet be precisely defined, but we can identify it by what it is not.


What Makes Majorana 1 Standout as a Processor

What sets Majorana 1 apart is that it’s powered by topological qubits made from a topological conductor. These topological qubits are way more stabilising and protective of data than the traditionally used qubits. This discovery paves the way for rapidly developing quantum computers, more substantial than traditional computers, to be fully established within the next few years rather than decades. This was unexpected within the tech and physics industry as it seemed impossible to achieve.


What Can Majorana 1 Achieve for Us

Because of its ability to store, protect, and stabilise enormous amounts of data within a palm-size space, Majorana 1 would be used in quantum computers. Subsequently enhancing their abilities to perform complex calculations and error-free designs within minutes. This means the ability to design a perfect product on the first try with consideration to every tiny detail and the prediction of each possible present or future condition, making the product highly durable, everlasting, and possibly self-healing.

This is revolutionary for all industries, allowing significant medical and engineering advancements. For instance, when using a quantum computer to design a bridge, this computer would be capable of perfect analysis of the structure, providing the right materials to withstand all present and future conditions, from weights to weather and natural disasters. It could also deliver accurate simulations to optimise the design accordingly, creating a bridge that may never break.

Simply put, these computers are said to be capable of solving complex problems by creating one perfect design that can be used in every field. This announcement opens up tremendous future possibilities for the whole world, as it can potentially fix every global issue in the ensuing years. 

However, Microsoft’s announcements still lack a lot of information, which raised the debate of how much information should be shared with the public and how much should be left unsaid for now. To stay up to date, check Microsoft’s announcement here for more details.
