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3 Sinai Farms You Can Volunteer At!

Organic Farms Sinai Volunteering
3 Sinai Farms You Can Volunteer At!
written by
Nada Medhat

Generally speaking, volunteering programs are highly rewarding experience. Whether for making your résumé look better for college applications and scholarships or for the pure love for community, there is something in it for everyone. There are certain volunteering programmes, however, that offer such a unique experience that goes beyond any other gain. This subcategory concerns specifically farms.

You might have never thought of yourself as taking care of land but are merely curious about what it entails. Or, you might just want a getaway outside of Cairo that’s more than a mere vacation where you can also do something. If any of this piques your curiosity, then read forward on the best options around the country! 

Dar Jan

Dar Jan is an organic farm and art space in Nuweiba, South Sinai that started in 2016 at the hands of one couple who rejected city life and sought seclusion in Sinai to live in nature a cleaner and more sustainable lifestyle, aiming to find meaning and community. The farm they started still thrives now six years later. Everything it does is as organic as possible. You can volunteer to work with the establishment, in terms of farming and craftsmanship, and you’ll be able to gain more skills and get a taste of life outside of the city.

Learn all about the volunteering program here.

Dar Eid

Dar Eid is a mountain lodge among Egypt’s most beloved mountains of Saint Catherine. But there’s more—-it’s an eco-lodge that cares about the welfare of the environment more than anything else. It offers great camping experiences, but if you’re more interested in the magic behind its making of it then its volunteer program is for you. In return for taking care of the rooms and helping around with the guests, the volunteer would get free accommodation and meals, as well as some mountain trips.

You can learn more about it here.

Habiba Organic Farm

Another organic farm in Nuweiba, Habiba goes back to 2007 and its professionalism still guarantees its success to this day. The collaboration between the natives of Sinai who know the land best and acclaimed researchers from Egypt and France led to the correct development of the organic farm in a way that ensured its success in delivering to its local community and beyond. Habiba continuously receives volunteers, not just from Egypt, but from everywhere in the world. If you want to experience this unique culture while working with your hands and getting free accommodation and food, then all you have to do is be a volunteer!

You can learn more about the program here.
