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The Many Ways to Detox

activity Detox Diet health Meditation Mental Nutrients Physical Toxins wellbeing
The Many Ways to Detox
written by
Nada Wahba

Ever since COVID hit, people have been trying to take better care of themselves to improve their immune system, including taking care of their physical and mental health. However, long before COVID, some people adopted other ways to be healthy, one of which is to detoxify their bodies. Detox can be done in many ways. Some can be seen as inefficient and maybe even dangerous to one’s health, but if done correctly, your body will thank you later.

As it turns out, you don’t have to starve yourself to feel or see results; detox is more simple than that. Before we delve deeper into the safe ways to detox, let’s first explore what it entails. Detoxing refers to the process of naturally ridding your body of built-up toxins; it’s like hitting your body’s restart button.

Your body naturally heals itself and detoxifies. The liver and kidneys are always working to maintain a healthy status for your entire body. So, why detox? Because you’re exposed to many chemicals in your food, in the atmosphere, or even through the surfaces you touch. Therefore, it could be a good idea to give your body a little push to keep it healthy and rejuvenate every once in a while.

It is often misunderstood that detoxing only refers to the ways in which one controls their diet. But while diet is super important, the results won’t be as effective if it is the only focus in the detox process. It’s all about the balance between the mind and the body. You have to take care of your mind so you can have the will to care for your body as well, and with this being said, here are the ways in which you can safely detox your mind and, in turn, your body.


Detox is not about losing weight; it’s about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this has to include the food you put in your body. While you might roll your eyes at this, you really are what you eat. Don’t starve yourself. Instead, incorporate more nutrients in your daily diet; this includes fruit, vegetables, fibre, and minerals. Some people prefer to fast to detox, and to those, we can recommend intermittent fasting, where one eats during allocated hours and fasts for the rest of the day. This helps your body restart by increasing your metabolic rate, which will help you burn fat, stabilise your blood levels, and even prevent diseases.


Getting some activity is one of the easier ways to detox. It is also a two-birds-with-one-stone solution where you get to move your body and destress: double the detox. This could be as simple as taking a walk every day for 15 minutes. Better yet, try jogging because the more effort you put into your daily activity, the better the results. Also, you’re releasing endorphins, your body’s happy hormones. It really is a win-win.


You have to busy yourself with an activity that lets you wind down and focus. Otherwise, you’ll lose the motivation of why you’re detoxing in the first place. It is a pretty arduous task, so you have to prepare yourself mentally for it. Besides, meditation can up your mental health game by a few notches. It’ll help you get in tune with yourself and what you really desire, and in turn, will help you grow overall.
