Egyptians Who Broke Guinness World Records
Egyptian Records Essam El-Hadary Guinness World Record Mahmoud Mohamed Ayoub Mohamed and Huda Shehata Omar Sayed Shaaban
Arwa Hezzah
Following a recent successful attempt by an Egyptian swimming team to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest 100 x 50 M relay (43 minutes and 32.36 seconds) and finishing in at 42 minutes and 12.15 seconds, it’s the perfect time to remember all the Egyptians who broke Guinness World Records over the years.
Omar Sayed Shaaban broke the Guinness World Record for the highest jump out of water using a monofin this year, after reaching an astonishing height of 2.3 metres. Shaaban broke the record previously jointly held by fellow Egyptian, Soliman Sayed, who hit the 2-metre mark in 2011. You can watch him break the record here.
Mahmoud Mohamed Ayoub broke the Guinness World Record for most aerobic-step-ups done in 30 seconds in early 2020, reaching 56 steps in 30 seconds. You can watch him break the record here. Ayoub, only 24, broke the same record prior, achieving 51 step-ups in 30 seconds. Additionally, he currently holds the record for most hand release pushups (38) done in one minute.
Beloved Egyptian football player Essam El-Hadary broke the Guinness World Record in 2020 for being the oldest player to participate in the World Cup finals, being 45 years and 161 days of age at the time. Admittedly, Hadary only played one 90-minute match during the World Cup finals, but that was certainly enough to secure his place in the record books.
Egyptian siblings Mohamed and Huda Shehata owe their record-winning to a condition known as gigantism, having broken several records for their massive features. Huda broke the records for largest feet on a living female with 33.1 cm on her right foot, largest hands on a living person with 24.3 cm on her left hand, and widest arm span on a living female with 236.3 cm. Similarly, her brother Mohamed broke the records for widest hand span on a male with 31.3 cm on his left hand and the widest arm span on a living male with 250.3 cm.