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Egypt’s ‘People to People’ Video Wins UNWTO’s Best Middle Eastern Promotional Film Award

Egypt’s ‘People to People’ Video Wins UNWTO’s Best Middle Eastern Promotional Film Award
written by
Kareem Sheta

Featured image Egypt Today 

Earlier this month, we had shared the Tourism Ministry’s innovative project and collaboration with Beautiful Destinations; People to People, in which Beautiful Destinations toured the country last April to create the memorable promotional video, which went viral on social media in no time. This promotion depicted a few beautifully taken clips, paired with a seamless soundtrack, of what really makes Egypt stand out, including landmarks, sports, oriental performers, and so many more hidden treasures. And so, it came as no surprise when we found out that People to People won UNWTO’s Best Middle Eastern Promotional Film Award!

According to Egypt Independent, the award was presented to Minister of Tourism, Rania Al-Mashat, at the 23rd Session of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), where 120 countries gathered in Saint Petersburg, Russia from the 9th till the 13th of September. When discussing the promotional video, Mashat stated, “The campaign video highlights the fact that beyond our known destinations, landmarks, and year-round sunshine, Egypt moves, astonishes and awakens the senses of visitors, not only through its places but through its people as well, inviting the people of the world to connect with us and experience Egypt’s dynamic and vibrant culture.”

Via MenaFN

Egypt Today added that the Her Excellency had recently announced the details of the ministry’s international marketing and promotion partnerships with major international marketing, branding and media companies, such as CNN, China’s Ctrip, Discovery, Expedia Group and Isobar. You can read more details about the current and upcoming projects in the piece.

We can’t wait to see what additional surprises are in store. Be sure to check out the minister’s celebration tweet right here
